Monday, December 20, 2010

Thanks to Janet

For editing and publishing the newsletter.

Here's a note from her in the December issue:

Many, many “thank yous” go out to all KVQG members! With everyone’s support and hard work, ours is one of the best guilds in the whole country. If prizes could be given, everyone would receive a special prize for their support. Special thanks to all of our our board members and to those who hold chair positions for all of the extra work and time that it takes to make our guild special. All it takes is attending a single meeting to see how talented our members are and to give us a sense of pride. Be sure to take a workshop in 2011, learn new skills, and get to know your fellow guild members.

Everyone has a different story to tell and skills to share. Bring a friend to a meeting and let them in on our secrets! See you all in January when we will welcome Linda Frost as our first speaker of the new year! Cheers to a wonderful holiday and new year!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2011 Opportunity Quilt

Here's a snapshot of the Opportunity Quilt for next year

Susannah and Joyce C designed and made it with help from their friends

Lori Kukuk quilted it.
Ask Roseanne about tickets

It could be yours next September.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

VNA loves the ricebags

Thanks to all who contributed to the ricebags for VNA. A few of us met at Sammie Messick's house last week and filled them and stitched them closed.

Sarah Rooney liked them so much she wrote this poem:


Oh the rice
The grains you poured!

Oh the fabric
You ironed and sewed!

How quickly all
you worked your shift
a comfort pillow
your quilter’s gift

200 pillows
Done in an hour
Rice enough in
To take a shower

Quick hand
Simple deed
Kind gift
Thoughtful need

Thank you KAW Quilters for your gift of comfort!!!

Sarah Rooney
VNA Hospice
Volunteer Coordinator

Saturday, December 4, 2010

More From the November Meeting: Shopping

Ruth and Mary Ann
There were many shopping opportunities at the Country Store.

Terry's booth

Linda F made friendly monsters

Ann sold her marbled fabric

Joyce sold her unfinished projects quite cheaply

And found a taker in Betsy.
Both seller and buyer were happy.